What is TheOldFuture?
TheOldFuture is a project where it aims to bring back the experience from our childhood. The year in that project is 2006.
This is a really fun project, especially having to go back to my childhood and clicking random buttons, those were the times.
I have converted my Spotify playlist to MP3s and I listen to music that way, thru Winamp.
I use Firefox as my main browser on that machine, and I gotta tell you, it works perfectly! Why do I say perfectly? Well, there is this website which is called theoldnet.com which lets you go back a specific year in time, and there is one thing called "http browser proxy" or something like that. It's rather simple to set up, and takes no skill.
As I said already in the beginning, the year in TheOldFuture is 2006 (whatever the day and month is), and I don't really have a lot of stuff to do in it, maybe expect coding and recording but that's all. I even got VirtualPC 2004 on there!

Computer specifications

The specifications in that machine are quite cool, in my opinion. This is a virtual machine by the way, if you ever get confused.
Specifications (intended):
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 520
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT
System HDD: 80GB Barracuda 7200.9
Operating system: Windows XP Service Pack 2
Monitor: Asus MM17T
Mouse: Razer Lachesis RZ01-0017
Keyboard: Lenovo SK 8827
Headphones: Sennheiser GSP 301
Camera: Microsoft LifeCam VX-500

The history of that machine is quite interesting, because of its first time setup.
When I first installed Windows XP on 11th April 2023, I thought 16:9 monitors were popular back then... then I just went in and bought a 5:4 monitor which is a resolution of 1280x1024, keep in mind we are talking about 2006 here. And so, I also realized I installed a Service Pack 3 install of XP, so what would be the only logical way to fix that? Reinstall Windows! Of course...
I didn't really install Service Pack 2 already, I installed Service Pack 1, customized it a little bit, then install Service Pack 2.
The thing is, I originally wanted to install MSN Messenger on there, using Escargot (which is a program that makes MSN Messenger work again), but it just gave me some kind of an error. I tried reverting the date back to 2023, but it did not fix it. I tried to remove the proxy from theoldnet, but that did not fix it as well. I tried to disable them both, but the same thing happened. If somebody has an explanation for this, please let me know.
Also, I got an actual monitor for it instead of using screenshots! That came in a clutch because my VGA capture card died some day and I didn't have anything to make images of it, instead of the phone camera, but when I got my monitor, I could take images of the monitor from my phone camera that way.
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