Games I Own
These are the games that I play on my free time, and actually enjoy them (some of them). I also play other games like osu! and/or Sonolus on my phone.
This is my personal collection of games that I hand picked myself, and I am still very early into game collecting. I need to become into an adult to which then I can game collect by myself, since I would have my own debit card and actually buy games by myself (and potentially consoles too).

I don't usually play on steam, since I only use it for when cracks on games require me it to play online, but seeing now that steam is actually quite good, I have switched to playing on steam, too.
- Euro Truck Simulator 2
- Age Of History II
- McOsu
- Quaver
- Counter-Strike 2
- Progressbar95

Playstation 4
I've gotten my Playstation 4 from flea market, which it costed around 100€ and I was very grateful that I got this console. I also enjoyed and still enjoy the games along side it as well.
- Gran Turismo Sport
- Need For Speed 2015
- Call Of Duty WWII
- Grand Theft Auto V
- Red Dead Redemption II
- Need For Speed Payback
- Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare
- Devil May Cry 5
- Fifa 17

Playstation 3
On 27/10/2024, I bought a scuffed up PS3 for 5 euro, with no guarantee, if it would even work. I bought a game just to see if the disc tray would work, but I can't even turn it on since the power button is all scuffed up.
- Gran Turismo 5

Playstation 2
I really, really like the PS2. I always wish it was my childhood console. By that I mean literally. I even emulated Gran Turismo on PCSX2 (Emulator Program) and was just in the BIOS because I didn't really know how it looked like. Now that I have a physical console, I am very grateful to have this console in my hands.
- Platinum Gran Turismo 4
- Gran Turismo 4
- Platinum Gran Turismo 3
- Gran Turismo 3
- Gran Turismo Concept 2002 Tokyo-Geneva
- Singstar
Playstation 4
Very great console, with good
and very super great games,
and also the graphics are also
very good. Everything about that
console is just good.
Date acquired: 21 June 2024

Playstation 3
Don't and can't even play on it, since I can't even turn it on​​
Date Acquired: 27 October 2024​​
Playstation 2
I really like this console a lot.
Like really a lot.
For me, this is on what I would
play if I had free time on my own.
Date Acquired: 19 October 2024
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